Thursday, April 30, 2020

Suffering Sonnet

Oh God you love us, yet we suffer so.
So surely good can come from whence we cry.
Like whipping winds that sailors use to go—
Might pain be used to lift our spirits high?

But how, if God you loved us could you stand—
To let us hurt for even just one day?
When with a single wave from your great hand—
Our suffering would so quickly melt away.

Dear God you are our Father, from the first.
And let us hurt like all good father’s do.
‘Cause pain in life can hardly be the worst.
When growing up is what we’re meant to do.

And when we feel it’s more than we can bear—
Lord Jesus Christ please comfort us in prayer!


 The writer was enjoying a nice stroll when he spotted the story on the side of the road. Cute little thing, he thought. Looks hungry too. H...