Friday, June 25, 2021

...little star

I held a great grandmother in my arms last night. The strong, loving matriarch of a great family laid cozy in her flowery onesie. Beloved by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, she yawned and curled her little fingers by her rosy cheeks. I felt this while looking down at my two week old daughter. I could see unborn future generations looking at me with concern in their eyes as their hopes rested gently in my arms. I could hear their thoughts—Take care of my momma! My Grandma! My Great Grandma!

The responsibility is enough to bring me to my knees— yet it gave me strength as my heart welled inside my chest. May you fulfill God's greatest hopes for you my dear sweet Stella Margaret.


 The writer was enjoying a nice stroll when he spotted the story on the side of the road. Cute little thing, he thought. Looks hungry too. H...