Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Courage Sonnet

That God inspires courage I've no doubt,
For what could be more beautiful than this?
To stand up straight when dark winds blow about,
And swing your sword when reason says you'll miss.

Yet Heaven must be peaceful—this seems true.
So how could courage ever have it's place?
With nothing evil left to stand up to,
will valor be just tossed aside like waste?

But surely God's great land of mystery,
Though hardly could I picture such a sight,
Must overflow, each act, with bravery,
Of greater force than seen in mortal life.

For what's more daring than to live for all?
When safely one could just not to be at all.


John Goes said...

Might we have made a courageous decision to enter into mortal life and go to god-school? For the chance to become adopted sons of God? That's a strain of Mormon thought.

Sean G. said...

Perhaps, or maybe the angles were the courageous spirits while we were the tepid ones.

Sean G. said...

I meant *angels* but perhaps geometry is also courageous in some mysterious way.


 The writer was enjoying a nice stroll when he spotted the story on the side of the road. Cute little thing, he thought. Looks hungry too. H...