Thursday, June 4, 2020

Breaking free from simulated reality.

I have observed that when someone is happy, they smile. So naturally I have concluded that happiness is nothing more than facial muscles moving in certain way.

This is how materialists see the world, only their reductionist physical explanations for experience become increasingly complex, as if gathering enough data points could ever explain a phenomenon such as joy or sorrow. Our experience is primary and all knowledge comes from it. Materialism is an impressive sleight of hand that fools so many into believing their primary existence is actually some secondary byproduct of stuff doing things. 

With that said, I believe the following truths are self evident.

  • Good and evil are real and obviously so to any and all people before modern materialist sophistry was used to blind us.
  • Beauty is real and not subjective—though interactive. (Thus we experience it differently!)
  • Our true self exists separate from, while deeply connected with, our bodies.
  • We feel love and intuition in our hearts. (Our true spiritual selves)
  • We feel instinct in our gut. (The wisdom of our mortal bodies)
  • The world is created and purposeful.

This is merely a small sample of a large and growing list. From a very young age, most of us alive today have been systematically coerced into filtering out these obvious metaphysical truths because they don't fit the false model of reality we've been given. The more we become aware of our innermost feelings the more alive the world becomes. 

Awareness of the physical centers of our body seems like a great place to start (Heart, Mind, Gut).

1 comment:

John Goes said...

Precisely! I think in a sense the most important thing is often not to learn, but to unlearn the filters. Only then can you really understand how learning - spiritual learning, of the heart - is possible.


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